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Training Information

Federal guidelines require that the investigator and colleagues provide evidence of human subjects research training for the purpose of protecting the human subjects involved. Prior to Drake IRB approval of a research proposal, the investigator and her/his colleagues must provide Drake IRB with proof of training completion.

As of Fall 2018 Drake accepts training from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). Your Drake email address will allow you to register and select the certification necessary for your research.

This training is designed to prepare investigators involved in the design and/or conduct of research involving human subjects to understand their obligations to protect the rights and welfare of subjects in research. The course material presents basic concepts, principles, and issues related to the protection of research participants. a research ethics training collaborative. You can access the website at this link:

 To access a CITI course, you must first register by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the screen. Enter “Drake University” as your institutional affiliation, agree to the terms of service and privacy policy, and affirm your affiliation with Drake. Then click “Continue to Create your CITI Program Username/Password.” The following screens will present you with a series of steps that you must complete to register your account with CITI.

You should now be able to sign into the CITI training program using the username and password that you have created. After you sign in, scroll to the bottom of your personalized welcome page and locate the section titled “Learner Tools for Drake University.” Click “Add a Course.” Answer the four questions on the next page, which will enable you to access training modules for biomedical or social/behavioral research. First-time investigators should take either the “Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research” or the “Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research” course, depending on the nature of the intended research. Clicking the “Submit” button at the bottom of this page will return you to your personalized welcome page. The course(s) that you selected should now be available for you to take.

Please contact the IRB with any questions or concerns 
515-271-DIRB (3472)

Please contact IRB staff with any questions or concerns

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